Today consisted of paninis and lectures. Here is where I wish I was Katie (Hi Katie!) because I would have taken a picture of said panini and you could all revel in its awesomeness. I also had tea with the panini because less than two months have clearly been enough time to turn me into a British lover of tea. The tea also comes with a small biscuit. And by biscuit I mean a little cookie wafer thing that almost tastes like a graham cracker. It's delightful.
Hey look! I found a random picture of the Student Union Bar, where I eat paninis and drink tea! Next time I'll be more prepared with pictures of the actual meal. And then I can launch into the discussion of the side salad that we still have not figured out what to do with. Do we use our fingers? Put it in our melted paninis? Admire it? All very harrowing questions for another day. Until then, don't forget to appreciate your salad dressings and forks.
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