I'm back I'm back I'm back! Hopefully.
Life with an "adult job" is quite tiring. If I had endless money, I'd be a student forever. Actually, that's a lie. If I truly had endless money, Europe wouldn't know what hit it. And then I'd build a castle on a mountain and live in it.
Good thing I'm going into a profession that pays well.
So I've been back in middle school for less than a week now. Already tired of getting up before 6am. So tired, in fact, that I didn't drag myself out of bed until 6:15 this morning. Not good when I should be leaving my room by 6:55.
Since I don't want to break any rules or set myself up for future issues, I will refrain from going into detail about my student teaching gig. But I feel that my personal experience is something I can safely share.
Right now, I'm still observing for the most part. Gradually working myself into the classroom. I re-introduced myself today, at least officially, giving the kids a letter I'd written to them and a letter their teacher wrote for their parents. Then saying a few words about it. Went great the first three classes, then by the end of the day I just didn't know what was going on and accidentally said that I told them "where I live" in my letter. Which sounds way creepier than "where I'm from," even though the two phrases essentially mean the same thing (at least in my case). I don't think they'll remember or care though. They're still learning basic life skills like sarcasm, so hopefully a couple dumb phrases (or inevitably, a lot) won't affect them all too much.
Okay, I can't resist this story. Today at the end of one class, one girl dangled a small purse in front of another and said, "Do you like my new bag!" and the other girl gave this huge gasp and exclaimed, "Oh my god, I have the same one! My mom gave it to --" At which point the other girl interrupted: "Yeah. It's yours. You left it at my house." I really wish I was eleven again.
Well, it's 9:30 and I'm wiped. Gah. These past two days feel like an entire month. This is way too tiring. Better rest my brain. I've been trying desperately to learn 80 or so names. Why do these kids all look alike! And half the names are repeated 2-4 times. This will probably be my hardest task all year.
But I'll keep you updated. Hopefully.
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