Saturday, March 26, 2011


Today I know that many people I went to Oakmont with are coming back together in memory of David, and it makes me wish I wasn't so far away. I haven't been able to say the words out loud to anyone here, but of course it's always at the back of my mind.

I remember this one time that Randi was telling me a story about having told a story about me. I have absolutely no idea what it was about, but I just remember her telling me Dave's reaction was simply, "I love Jess!" And even though I never actually heard him say it, I can still imagine him saying it, or the way he would have. Although I remember zero context of this story, the fact that I remember this part and that feeling of being special even just for that one moment seems significant to me. It's such a tiny memory, but somehow it's stayed with me. On the same note, I will always remember Dave calling me "Jess the Reb." Gotta love Feinsilver's class, right? Why did she even call me that?

It's been almost three years since we graduated high school. Three years of going separate ways. But high school still feels like yesterday. And facebook has managed to keep that gap of time small, with those little updates that remind you that once you had a connection to so many people you never see anymore. I read a quote in an article recently of someone mentioning Dave biking all the way to Hampton Beach, and immediately thought, "I remember seeing that on facebook. Crazy kid."

Strangest of all though, in the past month, I'd actually been getting spam emails from Dave's email address, which obviously had been affected by a virus. Since I simply had no idea how to block them, I'd just delete them or send them to my junk folder, thinking, how weird would Dave think I was if I sent him a message about this? To think if I had. Life is strange.

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